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Text It! Book
Nourish - Jaybird Quilts
Octagon Shimmer - Jennifer Sampou
Trinket - Alison Glass
Alphabet Soup - Jaybird Quilts
Modern Plus Sign Quilts
Use Your Yardage!
New Quick & Easy Block Tool book
Love Birds - Devoted Quilter
Churn - Devoted Quilter
The Lion EPP
The Barn Owl EPP
Charms 1" Jewel
Charms 1" Diamond
Charms 1" Triangle
Adventures in Hexagons
Thistle Quilt Pattern - Elizabeth Hartman
Modern Patch Work
The Modern Appliqué Workbook
By the Bundle
The New Quick & Easy Block Tool
Jaybird Quilts Coloring Book
Stereo - Jaybird Quilts
Splash - Jaybird Quilts
Set Sail - Jaybird Quilts
Disco - Jaybird Quilts
Northern Lights - Jaybird Quilts
Sidekick Ruler
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